[1] DD Han, JQ E*, YW Deng, et al. A review of studies using hydrocarbon reduction measures for reducing hydrocarbon emissions from cold start of gasoline engine. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 110079. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110079. (SCI) ESI Highly Cited Papers.
[2] DD Han, YW Deng, W Han, JQ E*, et al. Effects analysis on hydrocarbon reduction efficiency of a beta zeolite catcher in gasoline engine during cold start. Fuel, 2021, 306: 121614. (SCI)
[3] DD Han, YW Deng, JQ E*, et al. Experimental and simulation study on Fe-beta controlling of hydrocarbon emission during cold start of gasoline vehicle world light vehicle test cycle. Energy,2023, 277: 127748. (SCI)
[4] DD Han, JQ E*, CL Feng, et al. Experimental and simulation investigation on the different iron content beta zeolite for controlling the cold-start hydrocarbon emission from a gasoline vehicle. Energy, 2024, 294, 130954. (SCI) ESI Highly Cited Papers.
[5] JQ E, JQ Luo, DD Han*, et al. Effects of different catalysts on light-off temperature of volatile organic components in the rotary diesel particulate filter during the regeneration. Fuel, 2022, 310: 122451. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.122451. (SCI)
[6] JQ E, B Luo, DD Han*, et al. A comprehensive review on performance improvement of micro energy mechanical system: heat transfer, micro combustion and energy conversion. Energy, 2022, 240: 122509. (SCI)
[7] JQ E, PY Zheng, DD Han*, et al. Effects analysis on soot combustion performance enhancement in a rotary diesel particulate filter unit during continuous microwave heating. Fuel, 2020, 276, 118043. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118043. (SCI)
[8] JQ E, HJ Liu, XH Zhao*, DD Han*, Qingguo Peng, Wei Zuo, Tian Meng, Runzhi Qiu. Investigation on the combustion performance enhancement of the premixed methane/air in a two-step micro combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 141: 114-125. (SCI)
[9] JQ E, DD Han, YW Deng*, et al. Performance enhancement of a baffle-cut heat exchanger of exhaust gas recirculation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 134: 86-94. (SCI)
[10] JQ E, DD Han, A Qiu, H Zhu*, YW Deng*,et al. Orthogonal experimental design of liquid-cooling structure on the cooling effect of a liquid-cooled battery thermal management system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 132: 508-520. (SCI) ESI Highly Cited Papers.
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