联系方式:E-mail: weilu@fjut.edu.cn
[4]国家自然科学基金委,青年项目,51307041,区间上界保证机制的微电网数据通信无线传感器网络跨层协同控制模 型与优化策略研究,参与,已结题。
[1] 陆伟,罗宇晨,高忠顺,等. 传感技术学报.基于多因素融合的上肢运动sEMG信号鲁棒预测模型研究.传感技术学报,2025, 已接收.
[2] Wei Lu, Dongliang Gong, Xue Xue. Improved multi-layer wavelet transform and blind source separation based ECG artifacts removal algorithm from the sEMG signal: in the case of upper limbs.Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2024.
[3] Wei Lu, Lifu Gao, Huibin Cao*, et.al. A Comparison of Contributions of Individual Muscle and Combination Muscles to Interaction Force Prediction Using KPCA-DRSN Model. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022.
[4] Wei Lu, Lifu Gao, Huibin Cao*, et.al. sEMG-Upper Limb Interaction Force Estimation Framework Based on Residual Network and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Network. Applied Sciences, 2022.
[5] Wei Lu, Lifu Gao, Zebin Li*, et.al. Prediction of Long-Term Elbow Flexion Force Intervals Based on the Informer Model and Electromyography. Electronics, 2021.
[6] Lu W, Gao L, Cao H, et.al. Research on Collaborative Quality Assessment Model of Elbow Muscles based on MC-MMG and DRSN. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Medicine Sciences, 2021.
[7] Lu W, Gao L, Zhang Q, et.al. A Hybrid Deep Learning Framework for Estimation of Elbow Flexion Force via Electromyography. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021.
[8] Zebin Li, Lifu Gao, Wei Lu*, et.al. Estimation of Knee Extension Force Using Mechanomyography Signals Based on GRA and ICS‐SVR. Sensors, 2022.
[9] Wei Sun, Wei Lu, Qiyue Li, et.al. WNN-LQE: Wavelet-Neural-Network-Based Link Quality Estimation for Smart Grid WSNs. IEEE Access, 2017.
[10]Zebin Li, Lifu Gao, Wei Lu, et.al. A Novel Noise Suppression and Artifacts Removal Method of Mechanomyography Based on RLS, IGWO-VMD and CEEMDAN. Journal of Sensors, 2022.
[11]Li Z, Gao L, Lu W, et.al. Estimation of Knee Joint Extension Force Using Mechanomyography Based on IGWO-SVR Algorithm. Electronics, 2021.
[12] Wei Sun,Lu Wei,Jianping Wang, et.al. A Link Quality Estimation model of Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Distribution Grid,Preprints of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification,Beijing,2015.
[13] 孙伟,陆伟,李奇越,等. 智能电网中无线传感器网络通信链路可靠性置信区间预测,电力系统自动化,2015.