










2006.9-2011.6   中国科学技术大学 精密仪器及机械   博士

2000.9-2004.6   合肥工业大学  机械设计制造及其自动化   学士


2011.06-至今         福建理工大学机械与汽车工程学院

2014.08-2015.09 美国德克萨斯理工大学

2004.07-2006.06    福建省汽车工业集团公司


12024.7-2025.8  通信铁塔防腐涂装技术方案研究,横向课题,40万,主持

2. 2022.12-2024.11  15MW及以上海上风电机组塔筒制造关键技术研究,横向课题,18万,主持

3. 2020.11-2023.10  海上风电重型装备焊接自动化与控制技术福建省科技重大专项500主持


1.Jiangbin Chen, Guofu Lian*, Mengyan Feng, Wei Zhang, Rongxin Chen. Microstructure evolution and properties of (Nb,M)C (M=Ti,V and Zr) reinforced Ni-WC coatings by laser cladding[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Available online 14 November 2024, 177539.

2.Meiyan Feng, Tianxiang Lin, Guofu Lian*, Changrong Chen, Xu Huang. The influence of WC content on the microstructure and properties of laser cladding CoCrFeMnNiSi1.6 high-entropy alloy coatings[J]. Ceramics International, Available online 28 October 2024.一区

3.Guofu Lian*, Jiangbin Chen, Jianghuai Yang, Meiyan Feng, Song Lan. Influences of element M (M=Mo, Cu, and Al) on CoCrFeNiTi-based high entropy alloys by laser cladding under different process parameters[J]. Intermetallics, 176 (2025) 108572.

4.Guofu Lian*, Weibo Gao, Changrong Chen, Xu Huang,  Meiyan Feng. Review on hard particle reinforced laser cladding high-entropy alloy coatings[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology33 (2024) 1366-1405.一区

5.Tianxiang Lin, Meiyan Feng, Guofu Lian*, Hua Lu, Changrong Chen, Xu Huang.Effects of C content on the microstructure and properties of CoCrFeNiTi0.5Mo0.5Cx high-entropy alloy coatings by laser cladding[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology33 (2024) 1540-1557.一区

6.Tianxiang Lin, Meiyan Feng, Guofu Lian*, Hua Lu, Changrong Chen, Xu Huang.Effects of Si content on the microstructure and properties of CoCrFeMnNiSix high-entropy alloy coatings by laser cladding[J].Materials Characterization, 216 (2024) 114246.一区

7.Ying zheng,Guofu Lian*, Hua LuChangrong Chen, Xu Huang.Defects, Organization, and Properties of TiB2-TiC Bi-Ceramic Phase by Laser Cladding in Situ Synthesis[J]. Ceramics International50202441097-41116. 一区

8.Guofu Lian*, Mengya Chu, Meiyan Feng, Changrong Chen, Huaqiang Xiao, Hua Lu.The inclined morphology and molten pool of lasercladding under different cladding methods[J]. Optics & Laser Technology2025,180(1).

9.Guofu Lian*,Ying zheng, Changrong Chen, Meiyan Feng, Xu Huang.Influences of the composition design on the microstructure and propertiesof laser additive manufacturing TiAl alloy coatings[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology31 (2024) 2543-2581.一区

10.Guofu Lian*,Ying zheng, Qiang Cao, Hao Zhang, Meiyan Feng, Ruqing Lan.The Properties and Defect Optimization of Ni45A/TiCComposite Coatings by Laser Cladding[J].JOM,2024,(76):4373-4387.

11.练国富*李益,褚梦雅,陈昌荣,黄旭.斜面多道涂层平整度的数值模拟与试验研究[J].表面技术,2024 ,53(3)126-136.

12. Meiyan Feng, Tianxiang Lin, Guofu Lian*, Changrong Chen, Xu Huang. Effects of Nb content on the microstructure and properties of CoCrFeMnNiNbx high-entropy alloy coatings by laser cladding[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology28 (2023)5945-5964.一区

13. Guofu Lian*, Jianghuai Yang, Linzhi Que, Ruqing Lan, and Xiaoteng Tang. Effects of Ti content on the microstructureand properties of AlCoCrFeNiTix high‑entropy alloysprepared by laser cladding[J].Journal of Materials Science,2024,59(3):1027-1043.

14. Jiangbin Chen, Guofu Lian*, Tianxiang Lin, Hua Lu, Yuan Wang.Effects of the proportions of carbon on the microstructure and properties of NbC-reinforced Ni-WC composite coatings by laser cladding in-situ synthesis[J].Materials Today Communications38(2024)107896.

15. 练国富*阙林志,曹强,曾嘉怡.CeO2 含量对激光熔覆Ni45A+TiC 复合涂层组织和性能的影响[J]. 表面技术,2023,52(11).

16. Guofu Lian*, Jianghuai Yang, Changrong Chen, Xu Huang, Meiyan Feng.Influences of Ti and Mo alloying on the microstructure and properties of laser cladding for CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology27 (2023)5945-5964.一区

17. Fang Guo, Weibin Zheng, Guofu Lian*, Xueming Zhang, Longmei Luo,Yuhua Wu, Ping Guo.A point cloud registration method based onmultiple-local-feature matching[J]. Optik295 (2023) 171511.

18. Guofu Lian*, Yi Li, Qiang Cao, Linghua Kong, Changrong Chen, Xu Huang. The forming quality of Tungsten-Carbide coatings synthesized in situ by laser remelting[J]. Optics & Laser Technology 170 (2024) 110177.Q1

19. Xueming Zhang, Guofu Lian*, Weibin Zheng, Longmei Luo, Fang Guo, Xianfeng Gao, Bin Luo.A Deep Learning-based Approach for the Automatic Measurement of Laser-cladding Coating Sizes. Materials Today Communications362023106557.

20. Guofu Lian*, Kun Yue, Changrong Chen, Lihong Huang, Minghui Zheng.Influences of powder ratios on the mechanical properties of in-situsynthetic NbC coatings[J].Materials Today Communications352023106318.

21. Huajing Weng, Meiyan Feng, Jibin Jiang, Changrong Chen, and Guofu Lian*. Multiobjective optimization of morphologies and performanceof Q355C gas metal arc welding based on the NSGA-[J]. JUSTC, 2023, 53(4): 0406.

22. 褚梦雅,练国富*姚明浦,冯美艳.斜面激光熔覆粉末流场及光粉耦合机理研究[J].表面技术,2023 ,52(7):369-383.

23.Guofu Lian*, Kun Yue, Zhaozhen Liu, Hua Lu, Yuan Wang.Influences of the cladding method and overlapping rate on the multi-channel overlapping of composite coatings[J].Optik, 283 (2023) 170896.


25. Guofu Lian*, Jiayi Zeng, Kun Yue, Changrong Chen, Xu Huang, Linghua Kong. Microstructure and Properties of Composite Carbide (Ti,V)C enhanced Ni-based Coatings by Laser Cladding[J].Journal of Materials Research and Technology2023,24:1223-1239.一区

26. 练国富*曹强,郑颖,冯美艳.激光熔覆多道搭接成形及粉末利用率[J].材料热处理学报,2023,442):127-139.

27.  Kun Yue, Guofu Lian*, Jiayi Zeng, Changrong Chen, Ruqing Lan, Linghua Kong. An investigation on graphite behavior and coating properties in the molten pool based on different powder particle sizes[J]. HELIYON, 2023, 9(3):14222.

28.  Guofu Lian*, Kun Yue, Jiayi Zeng, Meiyan Feng, Ruqing Lan and Linghua Kong.Microstructures and Properties of NbC-Reinforced Ni-Based Coatings Synthesized In Situ by Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted Laser Cladding[J].Materials, 2023, 16,1704.2023.2.17

29.  Fang Guo, Weibin Zheng, Guofu Lian*, Mingpu Yao. A V-shaped weld seam measuring system for large workpieces based on image recognition[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023,124:229-243.


1. 2017 福建省工业“四基”发展研究报告,福建省工信厅

2. 2016 福建省工业强基工程实施方案(2016-2020年),福建省工信厅


1. 练国富,赵陈敏,冯美艳,江吉彬,陈昌荣,黄旭. 一种用于激光近净成型的送粉器,中国,ZL201910553616.42024.2.20.


3.练国富,张浩,陈昌荣,江吉彬. 化妆棉模切刀刃激光熔覆近净成形控制方法,中国,ZL201810843546.12021.01.05.


5. 练国富杨谡,姚明浦,江吉彬一种二维梯度的模切刀辊及其刀刃成型方法,中国,ZL201710115638.32019.07.09.

6. 练国富,姚明浦,施振超,陈昌荣.一种管材支撑传送平台,中国,ZL201611078920.02019.03.05. 

7. 练国富,杨谡,郑立光,郑长涛,曾嘉怡一种高强度绞丝管的滚筒抛光机,中国,ZL201710178476.82018.12.18.


9. 练国富,晏岱,张建勋,叶建峰.一种管桩挤压扩孔器,中国,ZL201410392786.62015.11.11.